Bulletstorm game review gamespot

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See how they stack up Check out some online co-op gameplay from the remastered edition of Bulletstorm, and all the sweet environmental skillshots. What do you wanna do this week? It is the first installment into the series. Bulletstorm focuses on over-the-top action and crazy sadistic ways to kill enemies. As you began to play this game the first thing you will began to notice is that this game is not your ordinary first person shooter game, but something much more unique and an experience you will not soon forget..

You are in the shoes of a bad mouth, highly skilled space pirate named Grayson Hunt formerly part of a secret black-ops organization called Dead Echo. This leads you to go out on a quest for revenge alongside your partner Ishi Sato. After an unsuccessful attempt to seek your revenge on the General you crash on a planet known as Stygia fighting for your lives and looking for a way off.

General Serano is also on the planet after the crash. This leads Grayson Hunt to want to continue his quest of revenge which is contrary to what Ishi Sato wants and leads to tension between the two as Ishi Sato already questions Grayson Hunt leadership and decisions. Along the way you encounter Trishka Novak, a female who is also fighting her way through the planet.

The three all team up to make a dysfunctional but effective team fighting your way through hundreds and hundreds of General Serano troops, crazy mercenaries and robots in a fun, action-pack, bloody battle for your own survival and a way off of Stygia.

From beginning to end there is action around every corner, heads exploding, guts and insides flying around everywhere. There is absolutely no stop in the action-packed gameplay in here. There are five difficulty settings ranging from very easy all the way up to very hard.

It heavily focuses on HOW you kill enemies. The skillshot system awards you points for killing enemies in very unique, gruesome ways. You can find different ways to kill your enemies ranging from impaling them into cactuses, electrocuting them, kicking them into spinning blades or just your simple headshot.

Anytime you knock and enemy in the air it will slow them down so you can line up a better killshot. There is a list of skillshots to complete and more and more are unlocked the longer you play and the more weapons you unlock. With the skillpoints you earn from your creative kills you can use those to unlock weapons, unlock secondary fire modes, and buy ammunition. You have your simple assault rifle, shotgun, and pistol guns, but there are a couple of unique weapons also such as the Penetrator, a very cool drill that has been modified into a deadly projectile weapon that you can use to impale multiple enemies in cool different ways.

Also the Flailgun which is a unique weapon that has grenades along with a steel chain that wraps around your enemies, leaving them helpless until their inevitable explosive death. You can also take part in its lone multiplayer mode, which is fun for a while, but limited in scope.

The mode is called Anarchy, and it has you fending off waves of enemies with up to three other players. More important to the online experience are the team skillshots, in which players must cooperate to earn the most points. The game often indicates that killing a particular enemy with a specific team skillshot will shower you with extra points, but this requires cooperation. Each round requires the team to earn enough points to pass, and in between rounds, you spend points on new weapons and on upgrades to stats like speed and defense.

This reliance on teamwork can be both rewarding and frustrating. On one hand, pulling off a last-minute rally by completing a team skillshot on your final remaining grunt is exciting.

On the other, a lone wolf can ruin everything with a single errant shot. If you want the best Anarchy experience, it's best to play with friends rather than strangers, lest you get stuck taking on the same wave time and time again. Anarchy is fun, but the joy is relatively short-lived. It's enjoyable to kick an enemy into an energy cyclone or over a ledge, but after you do it several dozen times on the disappointingly small maps, it loses its newness, and you will long for more variety.

The repetitive, obscene goading of the announcer doesn't help matters. You may also encounter some technical troubles. Even on a lightning-fast connection, lag can sometimes be a problem, and on occasion you might be unable to progress to the next round because the game insists that there are more enemies left to kill, though none can be found. Bulletstorm's lasting value comes instead from Echoes mode, in which you repeat short sections of the single-player campaign.

This is where you can see how skilled you truly are. Each Echoes map comes with a par time, and you earn points not just for pulling off incredible skillshots, but for doing it as fast as you can. These bite-size levels are addictive, encouraging you to shave off precious seconds and best your previous score, all while chasing friends and strangers on the online leaderboards.

Terrible things happen in this nightclub. Unspeakable things. Bulletstorm is a fun, breezy, and puerile romp. If you play games for the fun of it all, this shooter delivers, giving you some neat weapons and mechanics, and rewarding you for your topflight technique.

Unspectacular online play, an abundance of shooter cliches, and forced vulgarity keep it from joining the shooter elite. But the creativity of the skillshot system paired with the engrossing nature of moving up the Echoes leaderboards gives Bulletstorm some muscle and will inspire a dedicated following of talented players eager to show off their incredible mastery of its gratifying mechanics.

EA is publishing the new "over the top" shooter from Epic Games' Polish studio, which made Painkiller. You need a javascript enabled browser to watch videos. Click To Unmute. Start at: End at: Autoplay Loop. Want us to remember this setting for all your devices? It's no surprise, then, that Full Clip Edition also looks excellent. Though it can't compete with the splendor of current-gen titles like Horizon Zero Dawn , it by no means looks out of place on modern hardware.

The colors are as vibrant as ever, textures appear crisp and detailed until you zoom the camera all the way in on an object, at least , draw distances prove impressive, and the frame rate holds solid on both PC and PS4. I encountered a small handful of glitches--mainly dead bodies ragdolling through walls--but overall, this is a technically sound update.

The updates to multiplayer are less impressive. Full Clip Edition adds six brand new maps to the solo, score-driven Echoes mode and also includes the four additional Echoes maps, three cooperative Anarchy mode maps, and an objective-driven version of Echoes called Ultimate Echoes that were added as DLC following Bulletstorm's original release.

Echoes mode in general isn't all that exciting since each map is just an isolated snippet of the campaign--your score can earn you a spot on a leaderboard, but the gameplay, down the very last enemy, remains identical to how the section played out in the campaign. Consequently, the mode provides a convenient option for those who want a streamlined experience, but it doesn't add much to the overall package.

Full Clip Edition's six new maps don't change that. The cooperative horde mode Anarchy is a far more engaging option, especially since each round forces you to exceed a preset score threshold.

Often the only way to achieve the requisite score in later rounds is to successfully perform team-based skillshots, a mechanic that sets Bulletstorm's horde mode apart from the rest of the Maps prove especially important in Anarchy since unique environmental hazards frequently provide the highest score boosts, so Full Clip's inclusion of the old DLC maps was a smart move.

Finally, Full Clip adds two major pieces of fan service: first a "new game plus" option called Overkill Mode, which enables all weapons and skillshots from the beginning of the campaign. Annoyingly, you must beat the campaign before unlocking Overkill--a move that will surely irk returning fans looking to dive right in--but it's a welcome addition nonetheless.

More interestingly, fans who preordered Full Clip Edition or who shell out an additional five dollars can play through the entire campaign as the king himself, Duke Nukem. In practice, Duke's character model replaces Hunt's in every cutscene and longtime Duke voice actor Jon St. John reworks many of the original lines to better suit his character.


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