Cal poly pomona microsoft exchange server

This paper illustrates the design and functionalities of two real-world systems using these two approaches and discusses the differences between them in terms of order information storage, data transmission, system extensibility, and security.

Introduction A growing number of companies are creating B2B applications to streamline their supply chain operations [Gilber, , Kane, ]. One of the major retailers in the U. The introduction of XML Web services to existing data intensive applications allows for an API interface between unknown clients and the server to send end receive required data. The transparent nature of the XML files serialized though Web services transmissions allows for any platform on any operating system to accept and parse the requested data.

This paper first illustrates the design and functionalities of eMart systems using the two approaches. Security implementations for the Web services approach are further explained. At the end, the paper discusses the differences between the two approaches and the important issues related to order information storage, data transmission, system extensibility, and security.

The entire consumer information content comprises the first parent section with each additional section specific to each item being purchased. Once order payment has been completed the generated XML file is saved using the eMart order number, similar in format as At this segment, the system moves onward to the point of vendor interaction. In most cases, each vendor has an established backend business system to manage inventory and process specific orders as they are acquired.

As the XML files are retrieved, child fields are parsed into their respective columns and inserted as a new order into the vendors system. Immediately following the parse of the order file, a confirmation file in XML format is sent from the XML application to the eMart FTP server to allow eMart to update the order status and notify the customer the order has been successfully processed. Each vendor then processes the order and ships the items to the respective eMart customers.

Once items have been shipped, the vendor must once again use the custom application and send a second confirmation file in XML format denoting that the item is successfully shipped, which carrier was used and the tracking information for the package. Figure 1. To ensure the eMart server has received this information, a confirmation XML receipt is returned to the vendor application.

Additional functionality to the vendor application allows for each vendor to update the current online catalog by submitting a properly formatted XML document to the eMart FTP server. The complete system is illustrated in Figure 2.

Potential user programmers can then review the service description and the message structure defined in WDSL and use the specifications to create a proxy to request the services. Jack Dangermond. Al Smith. Dan Beebe. Larry Wilmore. Corrinne Yu. Marc Wilmore. Joel Anderson. Art Williams. Amy Ried. Alan Cranston. Donald Tang. Dennis Nieh. Dave Hajek. Rex Kalamian. Loren Nerell. Paul Horcher.

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