Bishops move diagonally and can move as many spaces on the chess board as are available. Queens are able to move in any direction and can move as many spaces as are available. Kings can move in any direction, but only one square at a time. Rooks can move forward, backward or sideways, as long as there is space available. You may either move your king, or block or capture the threatening piece. Chess is the No. It is a strategy board game played by millions of people around the world.
Come and immerse yourself in chess online for free! Enjoy this free chess game and try your best to beat the savvy computer. The black bishop cannot block the queen. This is checkmate. Simply put, a "Stalemate" is a tie. It is achieved if there are no legal moves for a player to make. In this illustration it is white's turn.
All spaces around the king are being attacked, but the king is not in check, therefore it cannot move. The only other white piece, the pawn, is blocked by the king.
Because movement is impossible, the game is a stalemate. If white had another piece somewhere on the board that was not blocked, it would have to move. The game would continue. Chess is an incredibly complex strategic game, and it is impossible to go into all of the possible tactics one could use to win.
However, I wanted to leave the new player with a few hints that will hopefully aid in victory. Piece Value: Obviously you want to protect your pieces from capture, but it helps to know which pieces are the strongest so you can decide who to save if you must choose between two.
Pawns become more valuable as they near promotion. Pawn Promotion: Although a pawn can be promoted to a variety of pieces, the strongest choice is almost always to promote to queen.
Board Control: When building defenses, remember to look at the board and gauge how strong you are in certain areas of the board. Try an keep power distributed fairly evenly, and bring pieces over to add strength if you see an attack coming. When attacking, it's a bad idea to let any of your pieces become cut off from your main force. I find it helpful to have a support piece in mind when making an attack. Using pieces in tandem almost always yields a better result than using one piece alone.
So now you know the basics. Go get a board an play! No one around? Natwarlal is a good, free chess program. However, there are tournaments where you can win cash prizes. You can even watch grandmasters play. Question 3 years ago on Step 7. The Rook can move any number of squares along the same rank or file.
The Queen can move any number of squares along the same rank, file, or diagonal. The Knight moves to the closest square that is neither on the same rank, file, or diagonal. Essentially the knight moves in an "L" shape, two squares along a rank or file and then a single square perpendicular.
The knight is the only piece that can "jump over" other pieces. The Pawn moves one square along the file, always towards the opponent's side of the board. The first time a pawn moves it is allowed to move two spaces along the file instead of one granted it has the space. A pawn can only capture a piece imminently along the diagonals in the direction of travel, not along the file it is currently travelling. The King can only move a single square in any direction, with the exception of castling see below.
The King can never place himself in a check. When a player makes a move in which any of his pieces threatens to capture the opponents king the next turn the king is said to be in check. A player in check must make a move that results in the check being relieved; be that by moving the king out of the way, capturing the threatning piece, or placing a piece in between the king and threatning piece.
A player that has no legal move out of the check has lost the game referred to a Checkmate. A player can be placed in check by multiple pieces at once, and must get out of all checks at once. A player can not remain in check. A player may never make a move that results in his own king being in check.
En passant refers to a special move open to the pawns. When a pawn is moved two spaces from his starting position and is placed next to an enemy pawn, the enemy pawn can capture the pawn as it had only been moved a single square.
For example, assume a white pawn is placed at B5. The White player can move the B5 pawn to C6, and capture the C7 pawn. The player can only utilize en passant on the move directly following the opponent moving the pawn in question. The right expires as soon as his opponent makes the next move Castling refers to a special move open to the King and Rooks. If neither the King nor Rook has been moved during the game, the rank separating them is clear of pieces, and during the castling process no space the king will move over or end on is under attack by an opponent piece, the player can move his king two spaces towards the rook, and the rook on the opposite side of the king.
For example, assume that the white king on E1 and the white rook on A1 have direct line of sight and have not moved. The white player can, in a single move, move the king two spaces left to C1 and the rook three spaces right to D1. The player could also castle kingside, moving the king to G1 and the H1 rook to F1. Promotion is a special move granted to the pawns. If a pawn manages to reach the far end of the board white pawns to the 8-rank, black pawns to the 1-rank they are automatically promoted.
The player must state a piece Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen. The promoted pawn is then transformed to the declared piece. A player might thus have a maximum of 9 Queens on the board, the one he started with and one for each of the 8 pawns that he potentially can promote.
By the nature of the game pawns can not promote to a king, nor remain pawns. Chess has been requested many times over the years, but we've always been a bit afraid to give it a go, because making a good chess opponent is quite difficult. We made our own chess engine for the easy and medium players Bill and Bill Sr.
But really the main purpose for this chess game is to let people play online chess against other people in a simple and easy way. Some of the other chess sites on the internet are very good, for example chess.
We've also made a simple single-purpose website for easily making images of chess boards, using the same graphics we use here. If you need a picture of a particular position you can easily make it, or just paste in the FEN for it at chessboardimage.
Any questions, comments or requests about this chess game can be sent to admin cardgames. This website uses cookies to store your preferences, and for advertising purposes. Read more in our Privacy Policy or manage your privacy settings. A Pawn is being promoted! Please choose a piece to promote to. Choose opponent Bill Easy. Bill Sr. Beth Hard. Only pawns may be promoted. This special move must be done immediately after the first pawn has moved past, otherwise the option to capture it is no longer available.
One other special rule is called castling. This move allows you to do two important things all in one move: get your king to safety hopefully , and get your rook out of the corner and into the game. See the example below. However, in order to castle, the following conditions must be met:.
Notice that when you castle one direction the king is closer to the side of the board. That is called castling kingside.
Castling to the other side, through where the queen sat, is called castling queenside. Regardless of which side, the king always moves only two squares when castling.
This happens when the king is put into check and cannot get out of check. There are only three ways a king can get out of check: move out of the way though he cannot castle! If a king cannot escape checkmate then the game is over. Customarily the king is not captured or removed from the board, the game is simply declared over. Occasionally chess games do not end with a winner, but with a draw. There are 5 reasons why a chess game may end in a draw:.
The players may simply agree to a draw and stop playing. There are not enough pieces on the board to force a checkmate example: a king and a bishop vs. A player declares a draw if the same exact position is repeated three times though not necessarily three times in a row. Fifty consecutive moves have been played where neither player has moved a pawn or captured a piece.
Many tournaments follow a set of common, similar rules. These rules do not necessarily apply to play at home or online. If a player touches one of their own pieces they must move that piece as long as it is a legal move. Introduction to Clocks and Timers. Most tournaments use timers to regulate the time spent on each game, not on each move. Each player gets the same amount of time to use for their entire game and can decide how to spend that time. If a player runs out of time and the opponent calls the time, then the player who ran out of time loses the game unless the opponent does not have enough pieces to checkmate, in which case it is a draw.
There are four simple things that every chess player should know:. Get your king to the corner of the board where he is usually safer.