Here is a list of five surprisingly "timeless tips," as written by the CIA. The second "accident" was the authors' discovery of the long-lost CIA manuals while conducting unrelated research in Although portions of the manuals had been previously described, referenced, or printed in part, we were unaware of the existence of a important to remember that this was a very new field for the United States.
Office of Strategic Services Washington, D. Persons who are targets can often prove to be valuable sources of intelligence. Some example of these targets are government officials, political leaders, and members of the infrastructure.
Installations that are targets can provide information of significant value. The continued operation of these installations during combat can put in danger the commander's mission…. Organizations or groups that are able to be a potential threat to the government also must be identified as targets.
Even though the threat may not be apparent, insurgents frequently hide subversive activity behind front organizations. Examples of hostile organizations or groups are paramilitary groups, labor unions, and dissident groups. These recommendations are based in the domestic and external support for the insurgents as well as the capacity to carry them out.
These measures can be divided into three forms of control: surveillance, restriction and coercion. These measures are designed principally to detect and control the movement of human and material resources. The adequate application of these measures will break the support relationship between the population and the insurgent and at the same time provide a physically and physiologically secure environment for the population.
To control the movement of supplies, equipment, and people, it will be necessary to control and monitor the population's activities. Surveillance measures are used to identify insurgents, identify those who support them, and identify the manner in which aid is provided to the insurgents.
Restrictive measures are those that are aimed to isolate the insurgent from the general population, physically and psychologically, denying him his principal source of supply. ID Cards. An effective system of identification is fundamental to the program for controlling the population and resources.
A program of registering families is used to supplement the system of ID cards. This is the system of inventorying all families by house, making a list of all members of the family who live in the house along with the family's resources. One can also note the presence of insurgent tendencies and affiliations among the population.
Control by block. The purpose of block-by-block control is to detect the individuals who are supporting or sympathizing with the insurgents and the type of support they are providing.
Police patrols. Police patrols can be compared to reconnaissance patrols. Their purpose is to detect sources of insurgent support, sympathizers, and routes used by the insurgent forces for intelligence, logistics, and routine activities and to act to prevent these activities.
Restrictive Measures. Once the collection of information about the insurgents' supply system has been effective, the government forces can efficiently implement restrictive measures. Control of travel and transportation.
A program of control of the population and resources must include a system of passes. Curfews can be an effective method to restrict movement between specific hours through a specific area or specific routes. The purpose is to permit the authorities to identify violators and take actions based on the premise that anyone who violates the curfew is an insurgent or sympathizes with the insurgents until he can prove the contrary.
It is of little use to establish a program of passes and ID cards unless there is a system of verifying these official papers. Therefore, establishing checkpoints in all travel routes is necessary once the use of passes has started…. In this way, the insurgent tries to influence the opinions, attitudes, feelings and desires of friendly, hostile and neutral people to achieve behavior that is favorable to his objectives.
During Phase I subversion , intellectual and emotional persuasion is the principal arm of the insurrection. The insurgents are active in the areas of political nominations, political organizations, political education, and judicial laws. They can resort to subverting the government by means of elections in which the insurgents cause the replacement of an unfriendly government official to one favorable to their cause. The insurgent activity can include disbursing campaign funds to gain members and organizing political meetings for their candidates.
They can attempt to use bribes or place informants in key areas to counteract government action. They can launch propaganda attacks to discredit and ridicule political leaders and government officials. Also, insurgent leaders can participate in political races as candidates for government posts. Recommend CI targets for exploitation. The CI targets include personalities, organizations and groups, as well as documents and materials.
A CI target is someone or something that fits within these categories and that can or cannot be hostile to our cause. Persons who sympathize with our cause are also of CI interest since it is not favorable to our interests to protect these people or groups. Recommend measures of controlling the population and resources…. These measures fall within three types of control: surveillance, restriction, and enforcement. The surveillance measures include searches, ID cards and pass books, and control over areas.
Restrictive measures include curfews, travel passes, rationing, and restricted areas. Enforcement measures include arrest and exile. Communism is "a kind of pseudo-religion, given that it has a founder, a mythology, a sacred book, a clergy, a place of pilgrimage and an inquisition. The founder is Marx; the mythology is communist theory; the sacred book is Das Kapital; the clergy are members of the Communist Party; the place of pilgrimage is Moscow; and the inquisition [by] the state KGB and others.
Truly, as Marx said, communism is 'the spectre surrounding Europe. You can't hope to convince a devoted communist of the errors in his doctrine, but you ought to be able to point out to an impartial person the fallacies of the communist ideology; and you ought to feel more justified in the validity of the democratic doctrine in light of the fallacies you have learned to discover in communist doctrine.
Increase in propaganda activities in a particular area. The guerilla forces, in general, begin to distribute propaganda of various types, in which they include the approximate hour and date of an attack about to take place.
This is a positive indication that they are going to launch an attack. Actions like that act to improve the image that the guerillas present to the people. Such actions help them achieve control over the population. In some zones, the local population, including children, don't speak or associate with U. This invariably indicates one of two things: that guerillas dominate the area or that they intend to launch an attack.
A high level of desertions among the paramilitary forces in the host country. Celebration of national and religious festivals, as well as birthdays of leaders or key people in the guerilla forces or in a sponsoring power. The local populace refuse to provide intelligence to government forces. Control — The capacity to cause or change certain types of human behavior by implying or using physical or psychological means to induce compliance.
Compliance may be voluntary or involuntary. Control can rarely be established without control of the environment. By controlling the subject's physical environment, we will be able to control his psychological state of mind. Should be constructed in a reasonably secure area, secure from demonstrations, riots, etc.
Entry and exit of all personnel must be strictly controlled by a system of badges, with photos, identifying personnel and indicating areas of access e. Badges never leave the facility. They are picked up and turned at reception. For instance, it is more effective for a subject to hear a taped confession of an accomplice than to merely be told by the 'questioner' that he has confessed. The manner and timing of arrest can contribute substantially to the 'questioner's' purpose and should be planned to achieve surprise and the maximum amount of mental discomfort.
He should therefore be arrested at a moment when he least expects it and when his mental and physical resistance is at its lowest.
The ideal time at which to make an arrest is in the early hours of the morning. When arrested at this time, most subjects experience intense feelings of shock, insecurity, and psychological stress and for the most part have great difficulty adjusting to the situation. As to the manner of the arrest, it is very important that the arresting party behave in such a manner as to impress the subject with their efficiency.
The subject should be rudely awakened and immediately blindfolded and handcuffed…. Subject is brought into the facility blindfolded and handcuffed and should remain so during the entire processing.
Any time the subject is moved for any reason, he should be blindfolded and handcuffed. Subject should be required to comply immediately and precisely with all instructions. Subject is completely stripped and told to take a shower. Blindfold remains in place while showering and guard watches throughout. Subject is given a thorough medical examination, including all body cavities, by the facility doctor or nurse.
Total isolation should be maintained until after the first 'questioning' session. Conditions can be adjusted after this session. Subject should be made to believe that he has been forsaken by his comrades. Throughout his detention, subject must be convinced that his 'questioner' controls his ultimate destiny, and that his absolute cooperation is necessary for survival. Allowing a subject to receive carefully selected letters from home can help create an effect desired by the 'questioner.
A suggestion at the proper time that his cooperation or confession can help protect the innocent may be effective. A cooperative witness can sometimes be coached to exaggerate the subject's involvement or accuse him of a worse crime than the matter at hand. Upon hearing these remarks from a recording, a subject may confess the truth about the lesser guilt in order to provide himself with an alibi.
If the witness refuses to denounce the subject, the 'questioner' elicits and records remarks from him denouncing someone else known to him, for example, a criminal who was recently convicted in court.
During the next session with the subject, these remarks, edited as necessary, are played back so that the subject is persuaded that he is the subject of the remarks. The threat of coercion usually weakens or destroys resistance more effectively than coercion itself. For example, the threat to inflict pain can trigger fears more damaging than the immediate sensation of pain. It gave the rebellious ones instructions on how to weaken their country by reducing productivity in the workplace. The pamphlet was de-classified in Since then it has penetrated the management guru world.
Aaron Dignan's poster. It is so good that we want to share it with you all. Some instructions are out-dated. But most sound surprisingly familiar. Some of the instructions are out-dated. The last section, about sabotaging day-to-day business operations is spot on — and timeless. Check for yourself if colleagues or bosses are draining productivity in your workplace:.
They also sound familiar. How the hell can a sabotage manual, written by the secret service, be so accurate about behaviors many of us see on a daily basis? We should open our eyes. We should call them out.