Neither a conventional path nor a direct path load will write a row to any table if it is rejected because of reason number 2 in the previous list. Additionally, a conventional path load will not write a row to any tables if reason number 1 or 3 in the previous list is violated for any one table. The row is rejected for that table and written to the reject file. The log file indicates the Oracle error for each rejected record. The records contained in this file are called discarded records.
Discarded records do not satisfy any of the WHEN clauses specified in the control file. These records differ from rejected records. Discarded records do not necessarily have any bad data. No insert is attempted on a discarded record. You can specify the discard file directly by specifying its name, or indirectly by specifying the maximum number of discards. The discard file is created in the same record and file format as the datafile.
For datafiles in stream record format, the same record terminator that is found in the datafile is also used in the discard file.
The default filename is the name of the datafile, and the default file extension or file type is. A discard filename specified on the command line overrides one specified in the control file.
If a discard file with that name already exists, it is either overwritten or a new version is created, depending on your operating system. A filename specified on the command line overrides any discard file that you may have specified in the control file. The following list shows different ways you can specify a name for the discard file from within the control file:. An attempt is made to insert every record into such a table. Therefore, records may be rejected, but none are discarded.
You can limit the number of records to be discarded for each datafile by specifying an integer:. When the discard limit specified with integer is reached, processing of the datafile terminates and continues with the next datafile, if one exists.
You can specify a different number of discards for each datafile. Or, if you specify the number of discards only once, then the maximum number of discards specified applies to all files. Oracle9i Database Globalization Support Guide. The fastest way to load shift-sensitive character data is to use fixed-position fields without delimiters. To improve performance, remember the following points:. The following sections provide a brief introduction to some of the supported character encoding schemes.
Multibyte character sets support Asian languages. Data can be loaded in multibyte format, and database object names fields, tables, and so on can be specified with multibyte characters. In the control file, comments and object names can also use multibyte characters. Unicode is a universal encoded character set that supports storage of information from most languages in a single character set.
Unicode provides a unique code value for every character, regardless of the platform, program, or language. A character in UTF-8 can be 1 byte, 2 bytes, or 3 bytes long. Multibyte fixed-width character sets for example, AL16UTF16 are not supported as the database character set. This alternative character set is called the database national character set.
Only Unicode character sets are supported as the database national character set. However, the Oracle database server supports only UTF encoding with big endian byte ordering AL16UTF16 and only as a database national character set, not as a database character set.
When data character set conversion is required, the target character set should be a superset of the source datafile character set. Otherwise, characters that have no equivalent in the target character set are converted to replacement characters, often a default character such as a question mark?
This causes loss of data. If they are specified in bytes, and data character set conversion is required, the converted values may take more bytes than the source values if the target character set uses more bytes than the source character set for any character that is converted. This will result in the following error message being reported if the larger target value exceeds the size of the database column:.
You can avoid this problem by specifying the database column size in characters and by also using character sizes in the control file to describe the data.
Another way to avoid this problem is to ensure that the maximum column size is large enough, in bytes, to hold the converted value.
Normally, the specified name must be the name of an Oracle-supported character set. However, because you are allowed to set up data using the byte order of the system where you create the datafile, the data in the datafile can be either big endian or little endian. Therefore, a different character set name UTF16 is used. It is possible to specify different character sets for different input datafiles. If the control file character set is different from the datafile character set, keep the following issue in mind.
To ensure that the specifications are correct, you may prefer to specify hexadecimal strings, rather than character string values.
If hexadecimal strings are used with a datafile in the UTF Unicode encoding, the byte order is different on a big endian versus a little endian system. For example, "," comma in UTF on a big endian system is X'c'. On a little endian system it is X'2c00'.
This allows the same syntax to be used in the control file on both a big endian and a little endian system. For example, the specification CHAR 10 in the control file can mean 10 bytes or 10 characters. These are equivalent if the datafile uses a single-byte character set.
However, they are often different if the datafile uses a multibyte character set. To avoid insertion errors caused by expansion of character strings during character set conversion, use character-length semantics in both the datafile and the target database columns.
Byte-length semantics are the default for all datafiles except those that use the UTF16 character set which uses character-length semantics by default. It is possible to specify different length semantics for different input datafiles. The following datatypes use byte-length semantics even if character-length semantics are being used for the datafile, because the data is binary, or is in a special binary-encoded form in the case of ZONED and DECIMAL:.
This is necessary to handle datafiles that have a mix of data of different datatypes, some of which use character-length semantics, and some of which use byte-length semantics.
The SMALLINT length field takes up a certain number of bytes depending on the system usually 2 bytes , but its value indicates the length of the character string in characters. Character-length semantics in the datafile can be used independent of whether or not character-length semantics are used for the database columns. Therefore, the datafile and the database columns can use either the same or different length semantics. Loads are interrupted and discontinued for a number of reasons.
Additionally, when an interrupted load is continued, the use and value of the SKIP parameter can vary depending on the particular case. The following sections explain the possible scenarios.
In a conventional path load, data is committed after all data in the bind array is loaded into all tables. If the load is discontinued, only the rows that were processed up to the time of the last commit operation are loaded. There is no partial commit of data. In a direct path load, the behavior of a discontinued load varies depending on the reason the load was discontinued. This means that when you continue the load, the value you specify for the SKIP parameter may be different for different tables.
If a fatal error is encountered, the load is stopped and no data is saved unless ROWS was specified at the beginning of the load. In that case, all data that was previously committed is saved. This means that the value of the SKIP parameter will be the same for all tables. When a load is discontinued, any data already loaded remains in the tables, and the tables are left in a valid state.
If the conventional path is used, all indexes are left in a valid state. If the direct path load method is used, any indexes that run out of space are left in an unusable state. You must drop these indexes before the load can continue.
You can re-create the indexes either before continuing or after the load completes. Other indexes are valid if no other errors occurred. See Indexes Left in an Unusable State for other reasons why an index might be left in an unusable state. Use this information to resume the load where it left off. To continue the discontinued load, use the SKIP parameter to specify the number of logical records that have already been processed by the previous load.
At the time the load is discontinued, the value for SKIP is written to the log file in a message similar to the following:. This message specifying the value of the SKIP parameter is preceded by a message indicating why the load was discontinued.
Note that for multiple-table loads, the value of the SKIP parameter is displayed only if it is the same for all tables. However, there may still be situations in which you may want to do so. At some point, when you want to combine those multiple physical records back into one logical record, you can use one of the following clauses, depending on your data:.
In the following example, integer specifies the number of physical records to combine. For example, two records might be combined if a pound sign were in byte position 80 of the first record. If any other character were there, the second record would not be added to the first. If the condition is true in the current record, then the next physical record is read and concatenated to the current physical record, continuing until the condition is false.
If the condition is false, then the current physical record becomes the last physical record of the current logical record. THIS is the default. If the condition is true in the next record, then the current physical record is concatenated to the current logical record, continuing until the condition is false. For the equal operator, the field and comparison string must match exactly for the condition to be true.
For the not equal operator, they may differ in any character. This test is similar to THIS, but the test is always against the last nonblank character. If the last nonblank character in the current physical record meets the test, then the next physical record is read and concatenated to the current physical record, continuing until the condition is false. If the condition is false in the current record, then the current physical record is the last physical record of the current logical record.
Specifies the starting and ending column numbers in the physical record. Column numbers start with 1. Either a hyphen or a colon is acceptable start - end or start : end. But while executing vb file it is taking 10g version. Please tell me where can i get path to oracle while executing vb file. Hi Ramesh, I am trying to load the fixed width file to temp table using control file but getting below error:.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. All rights reserved Terms of Service. If you are using Oracle database, at some point you might have to deal with uploading data to the tables from a text file.
Nice June 25, , am. Thanks for the article. Great Post.. Prasath June 25, , pm. This is Nice…. Lin Thein Naing July 13, , am. Really awesome!!!! Appreciate …. Manjula July 23, , pm.
Prithviraj July 30, , am. Manjula: Ramesh has explained answer to your question in example 8. Rohit K August 5, , am. Thanks in advance! Regards, Rohit. Prithviraj August 6, , am.
Rohit K August 6, , am. Thank You Prithviraj. We can do it using a control file this way. Thank You once again. Regards, Rohit K. SantoshCA September 4, , am. Jurgen October 26, , am. Kind regards, Jurgen. Mahes Tripathi November 6, , am. Hi All, I have a flatfile notepad , which has data not in order, fields separated by space, that too not orderly separated. Thanks souji. Kenneth Y January 10, , pm. Dhawal Limbuwala January 24, , am. Imteyaz March 14, , pm. Naveen March 29, , pm.
Great Explanation , simple and clear. Naresh April 5, , am. Can anyone tell me how to load it…. Ashok May 13, , pm.
Praveen Kumar July 23, , pm. The article is very good and easily understandable. Nice explanation…, thank you so much! Muhd Islam August 24, , pm. Gauthama P August 28, , am. Shivanand September 11, , am. Vivek V September 27, , am. Aabid October 17, , am. CRP October 23, , pm. Greate article, thank you for sharing. Prasad October 29, , am.
Satya October 31, , am. Very Nice!!!!!! BUT how to load default value to a field. Uday November 28, , am. I got it. Rajiv January 9, , am. Thank u so much…. Prasanna Suri March 17, , am. Nice way to explain the things…. Tushar Sharma April 16, , am. Hi, Thanks for great article, Is there any way to write control file with update statements. Thanks -Tushar. Ayaz April 18, , am. Mayur June 2, , am.
Pratibha June 9, , am. Tushar June 20, , pm. This control file instructs the loader to load data from loader2. The last field of every line names the file to be loaded in to the text column:.
In compliance with ISO standards, a TT marker can be placed before a phrase to indicate that the phrase is the top term in a hierarchy; however, the TT marker is not required. In fact, ctxload ignores TT markers during import. For example, the word elephant could have a broader term of land mammal.
For example, the word elephant could have a narrower terms of indian elephant and african elephant. For example, the word dog could have a synonym of canine. Synonym rings are not defined explicitly in Oracle Text thesauri. They are created by the transitive nature of synonyms. Any of these markers can be used to define the preferred term for a synonym ring.