Create install package

If you return to the API key page, you need to regenerate the key to copy it. Run the nuget push command to publish your package to nuget. The nuget. Create NuGet Package. Package Manager Console. Package Manager UI. Feedback will be sent to Microsoft: By pressing the submit button, your feedback will be used to improve Microsoft products and services. Privacy policy. Thank you. The Install-Package cmdlet installs one or more software packages on the local computer.

If you have multiple software sources, use Get-PackageProvider and Get-PackageSource to display details about your providers. Install-Package uses parameters to specify the packages Name and Source.

The Credential parameter uses a domain user account with permissions to install packages. The command prompts you for the user account password. In this example, the object returned by Find-Package is sent down the pipeline and installed by Install-Package. Find-Package uses the Name and Source parameters to locate a package. The object is sent down the pipeline and Install-Package installs the package on the local computer. Install-Package uses the MinimumVersion and MaximumVersion parameters to specify a range of software versions.

Install-Package uses the Name and Source parameters to find a package. The MinimumVersion and MaximumVersion parameters specify a range of software versions. The highest version in the range is installed. Overrides warning messages about conflicts with existing commands.

Overwrites existing commands that have the same name as commands being installed. Install-Package installs all available versions of the package. By default, only the newest version is installed. Install-Package gets objects if the Contains parameter specifies a value that matches any of the object's property values.

Specifies a user account that has permission to access the computer and run commands. If you type a user name, you're prompted for a password. When the Credential parameter isn't specified, Install-Package uses the current user. For example, use the following command. This token is replaced with the AssemblyName value from the project file at packing time. For the exact mapping of project values to. Tokens relieve you from needing to update crucial values like the version number in the.

You can always replace the tokens with literal values, if desired. Note that there are several additional packaging options available when working from a Visual Studio project, as described in Running nuget pack to generate the. NuGet 2.

Such packages contain no files in its direct lib , content , or build folders, and none of its dependencies have files in their respective lib , content , or build folders. NuGet tracks installed solution-level packages in a packages. The following command creates a default manifest with placeholders, which ensures you start with the proper file structure:.

If you provide a name such as Contoso. UsefulStuff , the file is Contoso. The resulting. Be sure to edit the file before using it to create the final. When using the convention-based working directory approach, you can place the readme.

When you include a file named readme. Readme files are not displayed for packages installed as dependencies. For example, here's how the readme for the HtmlAgilityPack package appears:. In some cases, you might want to add custom build targets or properties in projects that consume your package, such as running a custom tool or process during build. To provide framework-specific files, first place them within appropriate subfolders, such as the following:.

Then in the. With NuGet 3. When using an assembly or the convention-based working directory, create a package by running nuget pack with your. When using a Visual Studio project, run nuget pack with your project file, which automatically loads the project's.

Using the project file directly is necessary for token replacement because the project is the source of the token values. Token replacement does not happen if you use nuget pack with a.

In all cases, nuget pack excludes folders that start with a period, such as. NuGet indicates if there are any errors in the. Once nuget pack succeeds, you have a. A helpful way to examine a package after creating it is to open it in the Package Explorer tool. Click on the OK button. Deploy the package: a. Enter a name for the task in the Name field. Enter a description of the task in the Description field. Note: The task will also uninstall all older versions of SEP and certain non-Symantec anti-virus enterprise versions to migrate the client to the preferred version from the setup.

Select the package created in Step 2 in the Package field. Select restart options as desired.


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