Creative games make more money

Fitness Apps have gained traction in the last couple of years because they started this radical idea of paying people to be active. Your phone is a mini-computer with internet access, it has every potential to earn you extra money in a variety of ways. Here are a few ways your phone can earn you money. There are several different companies that offer Internet Browser Extensions that pay you to search the internet.

Specifically, they are tracking what you search for and selling that information to advertisers. This changes the game. The process is simple. You install the browser extension in whatever internet browser you use Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, etc. From then on, all your searches will earn you money! You get paid to simply sit there and watch promos, advertisements and short videos!

Before you think you can just set these on autoplay and collect money, these videos often have short surveys afterwards to get your thoughts. Most online survey companies offer these as an extra option to help you earn extra money. No one likes junk mail, but you actually can submit your junk mail to research companies like SBKC — Small Business Knowledge Center to earn extra money!

The way it works, you sign up as a panelist and once accepted, you start submitting your junk mail to earn points that can be redeemed for gift cards. Not all Saving Accounts are made the same. In fact, they vary quite a bit. For example, the national savings account average is 0. It never hurts to look at how other banks can improve your finances and make you more money!

We all have at least a couple of decent photos. Adam has also made money by selling his photography online in other ways see in his 5 Simple Ways — How to Sell Photos Online article.

These are photos just sitting in your camera roll currently, why not add them to a digital marketplace and earn passive income by selling the same digital photo, over and over again. These will typically be used in various company social media posts for a variety of reasons. Typically photos that are creative and full of people will sell the best. If you want to be more active, you can approach companies you like for potential partnerships, or join Influencer Networks here are 77 Influencer Networks where companies are already looking for great influencers to partner with!

However, not a lot of people know how it works. The trick is making lots of videos. YouTube will allow you to monetize your account once you reach 1, subscribers or 4, valid public watch hours within the last 12 months, and live in an eligible country. If you make videos, those goals are easily attainable. All you need is a decent mic the Blue Yeti USB Mic is hugely popular and choose a podcast hosting company like Buzzsprout to get your podcast on all the popular directories like Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Google Podcasts and more.

Once you start promoting your podcast and gaining an audience, you can start selling sponsorships to earn extra money! The hardest part is just writing it. A few extra steps and you can sell it on Amazon , making a nice little profit. An interesting way to make money is by creating YouTube videos of you narrating public domain books alternatively Vinmeo.

These are books that no longer have copyrights, you so are free to create audiobooks and make money on YouTube through advertisements as people listen! A nice alternative than buying audiobooks for sure! The success of these is having a decent mic like the Blue Yeti USB Mic and hiring someone to create some cool custom artwork to attract listeners on YouTube. You can find some decent illustrators on Fiverr , Upwork or more. Are people amazed with all the different voices you can do?

Consider making money from voice-overs for web series, animations, advertisements and more! Sites like Voices. Begin with a nice microphone and start building a small portfolio of work use for your profiles.

From then on, choose which jobs you want and lend your voice to creative projects to make money! Gift cards are just like cash, except way worse. So trade them back into cash! You create the design and let others handle the manufacturing, logistics, money and returns.

The most successful sellers create timely and relevant designs and use Facebook Ads to reach the most potential buyers. One of the largest online craft stores, Etsy is a creative marketplace to find some of the most unique handmade items.

The only downside is that once those orders come in, each order will take your physical time to complete. Do you have a particular skill other people would pay to learn? Consider setting up an online course that you can charge money for others to learn. All you need to do is decide on a topic that you can teach, or someone you know can teach then set up an agenda, record the course and upload it!

So selling your old textbooks have become increasingly popular. You walk away with some extra money and you make a poor college student very happy!

They may have opened this back up since then. There is a whole culture of people buying and selling domain names called Domain Flipping. The idea is you think of a creative name and buy the domain or web address like IHateCold.

For example, Hotels. How it works is Users will pay a fee to ask a question, then verified experts will provide a detailed answer to that question to earn money. This is a great platform to earn extra money for people who have expert level knowledge in a particular field and enjoy explaining things to people. This is an opportunity for Lawyers to test arguments with a group of mock jurors to understand how strong their arguments are and receive real feedback before their case.

You can actually make money naming start-up companies. The odds are not in your favor. Hopefully, you can at least meet some famous people! Oddly enough, this is a thing. In fact, Business Insider did a great story on an individual who checked MissingMoney. Usually these are old security deposits, insurance policies or CDs as some examples.

A simple way to check if you have unclaimed money, go to MissingMoney. If you have any extra money, you can first confirm it with your actual state website and start the process to reclaim it.

House Sitting is great! Find opportunities to lounge in a villa in France, hang by a pool at North Carolina or watch the ocean all day house sitting on the California coastline. Here are a couple of websites that connect house sitters with vacationing homeowners. People are flocking into Airbnb and home owners are cashing in.

Consider renting out your home during a weekend camping trip or while visiting your parents. This is a big win. These are third party marketplaces that connect you with businesses willing to pay you to place their advertisements on your car for anywhere between months.

In most cases the pay will depend on how many miles you drive a day, type of car and size of the car wrap you get. Consider renting out your clothes for extra money! There are a number of companies that do this, but they all follow a basic premise. Take great photos of the clothes you want to rent out, and these companies will review and suggest a price. Then it is your responsibility to clean them and mail it out on time. There are a growing number of market places for people to rent out all sorts of stuff from backpacking backpacks, projectors, inflatable bouncy castles are more.

Most of these types of companies however are geographically specific. If you qualify, you can get paid for participating in a clinical test. Most trials are broken into phases 1 to 4, phase 1 is the earliest stage for clinical trials where outcomes are the least known. These are the ones that typically pay the most often, because they have the least understood risk. They collect stool samples from healthy donors and use it to manufacture fecal microbiota transplantation, a promising medical treatment for C.

Did you know you had a money-making factory on your head? Consider selling your hair to wig shops and other boutiques that are looking for high-quality hair. Grab your wheelbarrow and start collecting scrap metal around your neighborhood to earn extra money! In nearly every major city, there is a metal scrap yard that will pay for the extra metal you have lying around.

There are hundreds if not thousands of online competitions and give-a-ways going on daily and there has to be a winner, so why not you?

Then at any time, you can use Unroll. So while in this instance I proved myself wrong, I still believe Lottery Tickets are a waste of money. The potential to lose money outweighs the possibility of winning.

Grab an instrument to play on the sidewalk, set up a magic show, or tell jokes to earn extra money. Just set down a hat or something with some money in it and people will provide tips if they like the performance! Some people make enough money to do this full time.

ABC News did a great story on Kyle MacDonald who famously started with one red paper clip and traded it for a fish-shaped pen, then that pen for a doorknob and many more trades over and over until he ended up with a house!

Video Games can absolutely make you money. However one of the most popular ways the pros make extra cash playing video games is through tournaments.

If you like video games, check it out! The stock market is simply a marketplace to buy and sell parts of companies. The idea is that you buy a piece of a company while their stock price is low and sell that piece when it rises in value. The stock market used to be incredibly complicated and reserved for the ultra-rich and hedge fund managers.

How much can you make: 0. Write and sell books about your experiences as a creative. Write and sell articles or being paid by publications to write them. Syndicate your written work, cartoons or comics to various publications for a fee. Write and sell stories in articles and books.

Make and sell an app with a story and pictures. Make a digital product like a website template that can be sold repeatedly. Sell original art and products in galleries, retail outlets, and online. Sell prints or replications of your art without limit.

Sell prints or replications up to a limited run to increase value but losing the ability to sell the product when the limit is reached. Build a game or application from scratch or through collaborating with others, to sell.

Build a game or application for sale using pre-existing open-source or un-copyrighted code as a foundation for a new product. Sell licenses to individual creations such as designs, code, audio and video that can be sold for varying fees depending on the commercial usage. Sell stock design, art, video, audio and others on stock sites.

Join a creative ensemble or collective that pools resources to sell all products. Use crowdfunding to fund new episodes, iterations, upgrades and editions of previously completed creative works. Sell your art at public events like trade-shows, conferences , yard sales, exhibitions, outdoor markets, car boot sales, and art fairs.

Sell your art door to door , office to office. Sell your products via retailers on- and offline. Sell your art or promoting your newsletter or profiles through social media advertising. Host and sell creative courses produced by others for a commission. Send your designs to be manufactured into products like bags and vinyl toys for sale. Print your art on other products like mugs and t-shirts for sale as merchandise. Illicit urban adornments like street stenciling and murals and earning from photographs of the art, or from the art itself see Banksy.

An idea, not an encouragement. Do this at your own risk. Collaborate with others to help create any of the products mentioned above and use the power of combined promotion to sell more. Make comics to build a following, which can then be sold products to see the Oatmeal or Gemma Correll who sell books, games, posters and merchandise to their following. Participatory entertainment like playing video games online and earning from sponsorship or more [see Pewdiepie ].

We hate SPAM and promise to keep your email address safe. Get started. List yourself as a host and start meeting people who plan to visit your city. Take a look at the value propositions that people in your area are offering—like Lexie in London:. Like Lexie, you might be up on where the best exhibition is in your city.

Think about what you have to offer a tourist that they might not have seen or done before. You form an impression of a website when you visit it, and companies are always looking for feedback on their site. For people who have spare time at an office—maybe on their lunch break, this is a creative way to make money.

Similarly, you can volunteer to take part in focus groups. Designers, copywriters, and marketers are always looking for feedback on their new campaign. You could email them and volunteer your time to help, asking for a small incentive—like a cash reward or gift card—in return for your time and opinion.

Transfer your illustrations onto a physical product like a t-shirt or coffee mug and create an online store for your items. Or you could create an online library of your artwork. Work on building a following, then offer quick, personalized art in return for a small fee.

This is a great way for budding artists to work on their craft, making extra money on the side and building an audience as they grow. Sites like Buy Me A Coffee allow people to donate the cost of a coffee in return for your custom work.

Talented artists can combine their art with a service and offer made-to-order illustrations. Both businesses and the general public often look for custom illustrations through sites like Etsy or Fiverr. Alternatively, you can use Shopify to sell your art directly to customers. This means you can set your own pricing, manage your inventory, and have full control over your illustrations. And the earning potential doesn't just stop with visual art. If you're a musician, you might consider selling music along-side print-on-demand merch.

If you're a talented sculptor, you could sell customized home decor. Combining art and entrepreneurship is a great way to make money doing something you love.

You could pick up some training skills on YouTube and practice them your dog. Not only will it build a bond with your pet, but you never know—it could lead to movie roles or teaching other people how to train their dogs. Their appearance resulted in a movie, a handful of theatre performances, and multiple TV spots. These unconventional ideas are different than your typical money-making tasks, but they all need a creative person to do one thing: connect the dots between what people want and outside-the-box solutions you can use to give it to them.

Get free online marketing tips and resources delivered directly to your inbox. In the meantime, start building your store with a free day trial of Shopify. Try Shopify free for 14 days, no credit card required. By entering your email, you agree to receive marketing emails from Shopify. Email address. Your store name.

Create your store. Opens in a new window Opens an external site Opens an external site in a new window. Do you want to create your own online store?

Yes No. But learning how to build and sell products and services on the side also offers several related benefits: Security. A day job can offer stability, but it also puts your earning potential all in one basket. If you lose your job, you lose your only source of income. A new hobby. Creative people tend to cross-pollinate their hobbies and day jobs. Hobbies are something fun to do, yet they sometimes have spillover benefits for your day-to-day work.

They give you another place to learn and grow, even if your day job or another important activity has hit a wall. Building your money-making skill set.

Making money is its own distinct skill —one you need to practice if you want to turn interests and talent into a sustainable business.


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