Danish: A flat and beautiful language with a funny drawl. A proposal by the Danish government to cut funding for Danish Language courses were strongly opposed by Enhedslisten EL, a far left party in Denmark. Their main reason for this opposition was the fact that the cuts would affect the standard of Danish courses being offered in language centers all over the country. The main beneficiaries of the courses are adult foreign workers, refugees and immigrants. They learn Danish as one of the ways to assist them integrate into the [ Danish is an Indo-European language in the same language family as Swedish spoken mainly in Denmark by about 5 million speakers.
Look up a word, add or modify an entry, and learn words at your own rhythm from a personal learning list.
Click here to learn more about the features or scroll down to download the program. An online version is also available, so you can browse the dictionary without downloading it.
Features of this dictionary Download our free dictionary for Android! Browse the wordlists, look up words and practice your vocabulary at your own rhythm. See System Requirements. Available on Mobile device. Description Simple, fast, convenient Danish - English and English - Danish dictionary which contains words.
This is an easy way to learn new words This dictionary offers a lot of additional possibilities, among them are: - Instant start - Instant search - Word trainer - Listen to the pronunciation of the words - Adding words to your personal dictionary - Search history - Offline no internet connection required - Change the font size - User-friendly interface Tags: Danish English translator English Danish translator Danish English dictionary English Danish dictionary Danish English phrasebook English Danish phrasebook Danish-English English-Danish Danish language English language learn translation words offline trainer grammar conversation vocabulary irregular verbs speak for beginners learning lesson free country Denmark Show More.
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Which is the best tool to translate English to Danish language? Yes, these tech companies are providing free services for everyone.
Our free language translator sends API request to google and the response is translated text in Danish. Because it uses a neural machine translation learns from users input. Typed sentences and translated text gets saved in the Google database and it returns in the form of response if someone needed it. Although the tool delivers very decent translation that can help you to get the main idea of your query.
Yes, it is very easy to use this feature using our English to Danish translation online tool. Yes, There is an option to download the translated text as word and text file.
Limitation of this tool Google can translate English to Danish online as many text as you want but sometimes it can stop working due to some technical issue. If you find such an issue, please reach to our Facebook page. Still, it is close to very high accuracy. So please edit those sentences which look funny to you.