Ec2 email server setup

Keep the TTL value at its default. Enter the host name of your mail server host with the default priority of 0 in the form:. A lower number means a higher priority. Set the routing policy to Simple and click on Create to confirm. The result should look something like this:. After a time span defined by the TTL value, the routing should be fully operational but may not have propagated yet.

Patience is the key to success here. In the meantime, you can use a service such as intodns. The specifics of this step depend on your choice of an MTA. One of the best open source MTAs is Postfix, of course. It supports several types of mail users:. First, Postfix must recognize your hosted domain as legit. When changing Postfix map files, remember to execute postmap on them and to reload Postfix.

After changing configuration files, remember to restart Postfix. Once you complete this setup, there is only one more major challenge to overcome and it has to do with reading mail.

And MDA is the software on your mail server host that delivers messages to your mail client on any device of your choice. One of the best open-sourced MDAs out there is Dovecot.

Assuming a working Dovecot configuration on an existing mail server, there is only one more action you need to perform: create access credentials for a Dovecot user on your new domain. You could install it on EC2 or even use their hosted edition. There are some cloud services that provide such solution like Mailgun or Mandrill.

Presonally I've only used Mailgun and it's awesome. You setup routing rules based on regexp on a domain and you can set them up to be redirected as a POST to your website. Both providers have a free tier of k mails per month wich is great. How are we doing? Please help us improve Stack Overflow. Take our short survey. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams?

Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Asked 7 years, 4 months ago. Active 6 years, 11 months ago. Viewed 4k times. Thanks for any advice or links to helpful sites to get me in the right direction here. Improve this question. In order to maintain the quality of Amazon EC2 addresses for sending email, we enforce default limits on the amount of email that can be sent from EC2 accounts. If you wish to send larger amounts of email from EC2, you can apply to have these limits removed from your account by filling out this form.

Add a comment. In a later step, we will need to open up inbound traffic on port as well. Find the target group you just created in the drop-down list. For this setting, use the default security policy.

Lastly, click on "Create load balancer" to finalize. AWS will begin provisioning your load balancer. We would also like our load balancer to listen for any traffic on port 80 , and then redirect that traffic, using HTTPS, to port While your load balancer is being provisioned, go to its "Listeners" settings and click on "Add listener.

You'll see the newly created listener in your list. Oh, that's right. Now that our load balancer is expecting to handle traffic on port , we need to update our security group to allow that traffic. Click on "Security Groups" in the EC2 service sidebar. Find the security group used by your ALB and select it.

Then, click on "Edit inbound rules. It's these last two that we need to add. Now, your ALB can receive traffic on port , sending that traffic to the target group with your EC2 instance. For our very last step, we need to add some records to our hosted zone at Route We need to let domain management know that requests to our subdomain the one we requested the SSL certificate for should be routed to our load balancer.

Navigate to the Route 53 service. Find your hosted zone, and then click on "Create record. Enter your subdomain for the "Record name. We click on "Define simple record" to finalize. Our list of records to create now has a single A record. Click again on "Define simple record" at the top of the list, and perform all of the same steps as above, but this time for a AAAA record type.

Once that's done, your list should look like this:. Everything is in place. It works! A quick check in the browser shows a secure connection, and we can even see our SSL certificate issued by Amazon. As I mentioned above, the steps are not few, but they are straightforward. However, by manually going through the steps here, we see all of the individual pieces and configurations that need to be set up and connected together. It's a good process to go through for learning.

We did it! After walking together through the previous post and this one, we have accomplished the following:. Thanks for visiting DZone today,. Edit Profile. Sign Out View Profile. Over 2 million developers have joined DZone.

In this article, discover how to set up a custom domain name and make your server accessible via HTTPS.


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