Check out our sample data files collection , and you will be amazed to see how many uses AZZ Cardfile has, thanks to it's flexibility and customization possibilities. Our main goal is to keep the software simple and easy to understand, same time adding advanced features and options. No matter what computer skills you have, we hope that you'll find it useful.
Some of the features : Cards do not contain any predefined fields - type, copy-paste or import text , format text and background, on individual cards or all at once, add clickable URL s and E-mail addresses, phone numbers that can be dialed up using internal or Microsoft dialer, keep all data in one file or create multiple data files. Objects pictures, sounds, other things can be embedded or linked in the cards.
Appearance user interface is highly customizable. Export to Final Draft. Create an Account SuperNotecard is an online writing tool that provides virtual notecards to help arrange facts or scenes, track details, organize paragraphs, and clarify your compositional process. Notecards help students organize facts, visualize an outline and ultimately transform their research into a paper. SuperNotecard works on various devices and gives teachers tools to launch the lesson and manage the results. Our best features come from writers.
Let us introduce a few who have helped to shape SuperNotecard. Most Popular. New Releases. Desktop Enhancements. Networking Software. Trending from CNET. Visit Site. The Download Now link directs you to the Windows Store, where you can continue the download process. You must have an active Microsoft account to download the application. This download may not be available in some countries. Featuring a beautiful and advanced note taking interface for Windows Full graphical 3D look and feel - fully immerse yourself in your note taking, interacting with index cards with your hands, pen and keyboard.
Use Pen or Keyboard, draw on front and back of cards, use for notes, lectures, flashcards, projects, storyboards. Become more creative, organized and productive. Designed specifically for Windows 10, with devices like the Microsoft Surface in mind, Index Cards will allow you to take beautiful ink notes, and organize your notes in stacks - just like in real life with real index cards. When you start, Brainscape will ask you to rate how well you know each concept on a scale of one to five.
After that, Brainscape determines when is the right time to re-quiz you, until you have mastered all the terms without wasting time. Similar to other apps on our list, you can also organize your flashcards into decks, add images, sounds, and collaborate.
Plus, depending on how you want to use the app, your mileage may vary. Index Card 4. Writers, screenwriters, researchers, students and notetakers will find Index Card 4 perfect for their notetaking needs. The ability to organize and quantify huge amounts of information into bite-sized chunks makes this the most versatile app on the list. The huge selection of great features plus the corkboard format really won us over. When brainstorming through multiple projects, the ability to tag cards with color and images helped us stay organized.
In addition, you can view your cards in three useful ways corkboard, outline, column for fast and easy navigation. If you desire an intense and effective learning experience, Brainscape is the best option for you. Unlike Quizlet and Anki, Brainscape caters to a broad audience by offering a much wider selection of topics. They also offer an online library with millions of flashcards created by community experts so that you can stop creating cards and start learning.
Instead, Cardflow aims to create a workflow for the everyday user and provides a battery of tools to help notetakers get their ideas down on paper.
From powerful tools like Shape Recognition, Draw Behind, Color Select, Magic Arrange, this app gives you what you need to take notes your way and have a good time doing it. If you're in college or high school, you might already know about Quizlet. Using this tool, teachers can create study guides to share with the class and students can collaborate with others to share their own flashcards.
With various study modes which help you memorize every detail of information, Quizlet is by far the best when you want to study for an exam and retain the information afterward. The file sharing features also make it easy to share cards quickly and easily. Though a few of the apps on our list only work on mobile devices, Quizlet along with Anki and Brainscape are web-based applications that will work on desktop browsers.
Of the available options, Quizlet resonated with our team the most when working on desktop platforms. Designed to have the natural resistance of real paper, our screen protector offers extra friction so that you can make quick, precise strokes every time you need to jot something down. Plus, using your Apple Pencil like a stylus or a fingertip, you can still use it to keep everything organized when using your favorite index card app on your iPad.