Offset 0, 3. DefaultFilePath If. Improve this question. Teamothy 1, 3 3 gold badges 13 13 silver badges 19 19 bronze badges. Emma Lavallin Emma Lavallin 21 1 1 gold badge 1 1 silver badge 3 3 bronze badges. Apparently, you are using external libraries in order to search the PDF files which is the only possible way to achieve what you want to do. So, the speed of code depends on these libraries. Get better newer versions from a different software supplier and you're done.
So, essentially your question is about "recommending better libraries to call upon from within VBA". Yet, such questions are off-topic for this site.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Good luck in your endeavors; I hope I was able to at least provide food for thought! Improve this answer. Sorry to post a quick, incomplete answer, but I think I can point you in a good direction. GetNumPages - 1 '[Move each page into a new document. ExecMenuItem "Item Name" 'You may have to insert a waiting function like sleep here to wait for the action to complete 'Put data from clipboard into a string.
Your code here] End If Next i Next page This is still cumbersome because you have to open each page in a new document. Thank you! I shall give it a go. Emma Lavallin did you try it? I'm sorry for the exremely delayed reply, in the interim I have moved to NZ!
Thank you for your code, it did indeed work but was still a little slow. It did however, inspire me and led to me creating the code below. You do have to copy and paste all the text from the PDF into Excel first but it's a small price to pay. Range "C:D". Cells Cell, 1. However, I've written several tutorials such as here and here that have to do with PDF and, more particularly, with the topic of converting PDF files to Excel.
In fact, in this blog post, I go much further than simply showing you how to simply convert Excel files to PDF. Among others, I also :. You can get immediate free access to these example files by clicking the button below. Therefore, let's start this blog post by taking a look at it:. The main purpose of the ExportAsFixedFormat method is to export a particular Excel object such as a file, worksheet, cell range or chart to another file format , usually PDF.
To be more precise, you'll generally be working with 1 of the following versions of this method , depending on which particular object you want to save as PDF. This particular VBA method has 9 different parameters. Let's take a look at each of them:.
You use the Type parameter to specify the type of file format to which the Excel file must be exported to. In other words, you determine in which file format the new resulting file is saved by specifying it in the Type parameter. In order to specify the type of file you want to convert the Excel file to, you use the xlFixedFormatType enumeration.
There are 2 types of file formats you can choose from:. Furthermore, XPS never seemed to gain much traction. Therefore, you're unlikely to encounter or have to work with many XPS files.
As implied by its name, you use the Filename parameter of the ExportAsFixedFormat method for purposes of specifying the filename of the new converted file. You have the option of choosing the quality of the resulting PDF file standard or minimum. More precisely, you can choose 1 of the 2 xlFixedFormatQuality options :. To make this choice, you simply need to set the IncludeDocProperties parameter to True or False as follows:. By using the IgnorePrintAreas parameter of the ExportAsFixedFormat method, you can specify whether Visual Basic for Applications should ignore or not the print areas that have been set for the relevant Excel file.
To specify whether the print areas should or shouldn't be ignored, set the IgnorePrintAreas parameter to True or False as follows:. More precisely:. You specify whether the file is displayed or not by setting the OpenAfterPublish parameter to True or False , as follows:. For purposes of this example, I have prepared a sample Excel workbook. This workbook contains 2 worksheets. Each worksheet includes a table that lists persons and their contact details, along with i their food preferences, and ii their favorite animal and the name of their pet.
Therefore, strictly speaking, you can create a very simple macro for purposes of saving an Excel file as a PDF. As I explain when introducing the Worksheet. ExportAsFixedFormat method above, the reference to the method must be preceded by a variable representing a Worksheet object. ActiveSheet property is used for these purposes. More precisely, ActiveSheet return an object representing the active sheet within the active or specified workbook.
The purpose of this method is to save the relevant object a worksheet returned by ActiveSheet in the example above as a PDF file. Type is the only required parameter of the ExportAsFixedFormat method. Its purpose is to specify the type of file format to which the relevant worksheet should be exported to.
You specify the relevant file type by choosing the appropriate value from the XLFixedFormatType enumeration. However, this doesn't mean that you should be using this macro to convert all of your Excel files to PDF. The reason for this is that, as I show below, the macro literally just saves the active worksheet to a PDF file. Since it doesn't make any adjustment prior to the conversion, the results aren't necessarily the best.
The following image shows the resulting PDF file:. However, there are several things that can be improved. The following are 2 examples:. I show you how to solve several of these issues in the other VBA code examples within this Excel tutorial. Let's start to tackle some of these problems by using the additional arguments of the ExportAsFixedFormat method:.
ExportAsFixedFormat method with its only required parameter Type. Therefore, in this second example, I include most of the parameters that you can use when working with the ExportAsFixedFormat method. These first 2 lines are the whole body of that previous macro. In this particular case, they have the same purpose as that which I explain above. As I explain above, the previous sample macro simply used the name of the active Excel workbook to name the PDF file that was created after executing the ExportAsFixedFormat method.
By using the Filename parameter, you can choose a different filename. In this particular case, the filename that I'm using is quite simple and only includes the actual filename. Therefore, the PDF file is saved in the default file location. However, as I explain above, you can use this same parameter for purposes of determining the full path of the converted PDF file.
IncludeDocProperties can be set to either of the following 2 values :. The purpose of the IgnorePrintAreas parameter of the ExportAsFixedFormat method is to d etermine whether any print areas that are set when publishing should be ignored or not.
Had I omitted any of these parameters, the effect would have been as follows:. You can also set OpenAfterPublish to False. In this case, the published PDF file isn't displayed.
However, notice some of the effects of the additional parameters that I included in this second macro:. Overall, the explanations and examples in the sections above show most of what you need to know about the ExportAsFixedFormat VBA method. You may notice, however, that there are a few things that you can't fix with the ExportAsFixedFormat method alone. This includes, among others, one that I mention above:. The page layout isn't properly adjusted. Therefore, the resulting PDF file only shows the first 4 columns of the table within the original Excel source file.
The last column which corresponds to Favorite Food Ingredient in the example above is missing. There are many ways in which you can use other VBA constructs to create more complex and sophisticated macros to save Excel files as PDF.
I show you some of the constructs you can use in the following sections, along with some further examples. Within Excel, whenever you need to manually adjust the page setup before printing an Excel file or saving it as PDF, you go to the Page Setup dialog box.
Whenever you're working with Visual Basic for Applications, you can use the Page Setup object for purposes of modifying any page setup attributes. The reason for this is that, as explained at the Microsoft Dev Center in the webpage I link to above , the Page Setup object :. As a consequence of this, the list of properties that are members of the Page Setup object is quite extensive.
Let's take a look at it:. By my count, the PageSetup object has the 48 properties that I introduce in the table below. The purpose of this table is simply to introduce these properties and their main purpose. However, I explain some of the properties you may want to explore when working with the ExportAsFixedFormat method below. This third example builds on those 2 examples in particular example 2 above to show how you can improve the results you obtain when carrying out an Excel to PDF conversion using VBA.
Therefore, in this particular section, I only explain line-by-line the first section of the macro. In other words, the With… End With block.
The With statement allows you to execute a series of statements on a particular object ActiveSheet. PageSetup in this case without having to repeat the object qualification every single time. In other words, all of the statements within the With… End With block rows 2 to 8 below make reference to the object that appears on the opening statement ActiveSheet.
The object that appears on the opening statement is the page setup description of the active sheet. The object is obtained by using the Worksheet. The issue is likely to be that the folder path contained within the FileName does not exist. Or something like that. Also, just executed the following code snippet from above example No. Microsoft still allows Excel 4 Macros to be used in Excel, which were superseded in The code still did not work.
All latest versions were installed without fail. When I spoke to the MS Support tech assisting with the installation of Office and explained the situation, we tested the same code on both versions of Excel while tech had control of my computer.
Thank you for your assistance though. It is greatly appreciated. It there another way to get VBA with Excel in a another product. I am very very disappointed, because it was the only reason I bought this product. Name would give you the name of the workbook. So something like this would give you a PDF file name:.
Can you? Good beginner article. It would be great to see you take this further and actually manipulate the pdf after generating it. Things like adding a menu, or bookmarks, modifying the file security, adding attachments to the pdf file, etc. BUT… The pdf goes to the location where the spreadsheet is. I would like it to go to a different folder. Is this possible? You either need to add the full file path into G6 our you could concatenate together such as assuming the folder path is in G7 :. Brilliant; that was exactly the fix.
I put the file path in another cell and used the concatenate you suggested. Value fits into the code and what, if anything, it replaces. Is the saveLocation valid? Thanks for the article, I do have one question. When I convert the spreadsheet to a PDF some of the sheets are oversized and are stretched across multiple pages. Is there a way to adjust the zoom before converting? Thank you. Hello Sir, I found this article very usefull, it really helped me a lot.
Great article as always. I have a project with multiple named ranges that I want to export to PDF. Can it be done? Idea 2 Here is a harder option, but should also work. I made an invoce wich complete automatically to a register then to a pdf, even if it is on onedrive it upload it perfecly, then open online PERFECT!
Is it possible? The SaveName property determines the name of the file. Just create a string which includes use the worksheet name or a counter to create a unique name. Information provided is very educative. How can I save data from excel into individual fillable pdf files? I think you would need to use a specific PDF tool to achieve that. I am using the looping through sheets example to output several sheets as 1 PDF per sheet and love that I found this macro.
However, I wanted to include a value from cell A11 in the filename of each sheet but found that only the value from the first sheet is being used. This means that the Macro outputs the several sheets, each overwriting the the last as the macro goes along.
Any idea how to get it working using the value in A11 A text string for each consecutive sheet? To do this I have set up the contract template in a worksheet and have lookups to fill in the customer info. Where I am stuck is saving the range of the contract as pdf and naming it the unique customer ID to prevent overwriting. Is is possible to loop this process of filling the customer info, saving as pdf and printing while moving down a list of customer IDs?
Within the loop include: — Calculate the worksheet so that it refreshes values in the contract template — Save the template as PDF using the customer name within the file name. This was very helpful, thank you! I wondered if you could help me with a problem I am having. I have a macro-enabled Excel template that multiple users will be accessing from a shared network drive. Is there a way to code the save location to be that of the desktop of the user currently using the file?
Thank you! Thank you for the quick response! I still seem to be a little stuck. Below is my original code. I would appreciate any additional assistance you can provide. Activate ActiveSheet. Thank you for the detailed explanation.
How about when I need to save in different PDFs the print area in the same worksheet? I love you! Your page has taught me so much with context so I actually understand HOW the codes work. Thank you for hosting this page.
Dear Expert, I would like to request for your help please. However, the challenge really comes if the worksheet name changes.
The code above uses the ActiveSheet, which means the code only runs correctly if the worksheet containing the cell reference is always the active sheet when the code is executed.
However, if the worksheet itself can change, then it may be better to use the Application. InputBox to get the cell reference at run-time. One thing I was looking at adding into my code, was that the User could name the file when executing the macro.
I currently have it saved to the desktop, but wanted them to be able to name it, or use consecutively without having to rename the original. To prevent overwriting existing files you will need to check that the file does not already exist. Right-click the button. I have tried out the code and it works, except for the fact that my sheet is oriented landscape and the PDF file is Portrait every time.
How can I solve this? I am printing excel to pdf using exportasfixedformat. Printing from pages 20 to How to start page numbers from 1 in PDF generated in footer? Your email address will not be published. Automate Excel so that you can save time and stop doing the jobs a trained monkey could do. We'll respect your privacy and you can unsubscribe at any time. Download the example file I recommend you download the example file for this post.