On the flip side, if users complain that print jobs never print or are slow to print, or if they run a macro in one application while working in another, you may want to assign equal time slices called quanta to each process by choosing the Background Services option.
If you use the Windows XP machine as a server, you're better off choosing the Background Services option. The first option, Programs, allocates more RAM to running applications. For desktop systems with very little RAM, this selection gives the best performance. For a server or a desktop with a lot of RAM, however, choosing the System Cache setting will yield better performance.
Virtual memory is an area on the disk that Windows uses as if it were RAM. Windows requires this type of system in the event that it runs out of physical RAM. The virtual memory space is used as a swap space where information residing in RAM is written to the virtual memory space also called the page file or swap file to free up RAM for other processes. When the system needs the information in the swap file, Windows puts it back into RAM and writes something else out to the disk in its place.
Windows XP has a recommended default page file size of 1. You can let Windows completely manage this file or have no file at all. I highly recommend that you do not remove the paging file because you'll experience a noticeable degradation of system performance without it.
One way to boost system performance is to place the paging file on a separate physical hard drive from the operating system. Run Disk Cleanup and Disk Defragmenter regularly. If you're too lazy to do that, just add it to scheduled tasks. It's also a good idea to install programs sparingly and to remove programs you don't need.
Use a spyware and virus scanner, and look into buying a disk maintenance program if necessary. Found my XP tuning reg file what I was tweaking from I thought it might be a good idea to write something like your guide since the retro gaming scene is growing.
If you want I can send it to you and some other useful XP tricks and you can add them to your guide. Reply 1 year ago. Reply 6 years ago. Don't get Norton, don't get norton, don't get norton, don't get norton, don't get norton! If this is an optimization guide, I'm baffled by your advice to get Norton :. Reply 6 years ago on Introduction. Reply 13 years ago on Step 6. Norton is the best security software out there, and the extra security is worth a slightly slower computer to me.
Reply 9 years ago on Introduction. For all the times I have fixed computers, I can't count how many times uninstalling Norton solved a problem you can spend hours trying to fix. I actually had a laptop myself where the wireless was suddenly not working for no reason at all, I had tried everything and Norton had been disabled since I bought it, I actually had to go in and uninstall under add and remove programs and my wireless started working again.
Do a search for Top Antivirus, I didn't find anything in the 5 top results saying anything about Norton. Reply 12 years ago on Introduction. I know it is a lot more open than Windows. Windows is by far the worst operating system I have ever come across. I run Mac OS X. And have have used more than my fair share of Linux distributions. I might have been a little too judgmental. Find clear page shut and change its value as 1. Then restart the computer. Tip 2: Scan your Task Manager and end the process that consumes CPU the most: Task manager keeps a record of every ongoing processes or services in your PC and helps you in monitoring them.
Tip 3: Adjust for best performance: This option will disable all the visual effect on your system to increase the performance of the CPU. It will take few seconds to deactivate the visual effects. You can also optimize Windows XP boot speed by disabling unnecessary services from loading at startup time. When you start your computer, it goes through the steps of startup procedures in its BIOS before starting Windows.
Here at this stage you can make modification in BIOS manually. However it requires a good skill and attention while making any modification in BIOS setting, an incorrect change can lead to a great difficulty for you.
Hence, you should make use of a highly specialized tool which can make all the necessary changes in setting of your Windows XP so that its performance gets boosted up. Remo Optimizer tool is free of cost and built upon the top of the robust and reliable algorithms, which helps it to fix issues related to startup speed of your Windows XP.
Simple steps to improve the performance of your Win XP computer:. All other trademarks acknowledged. Download For Windows.