Free resume for college application template

Frequent high earner, earning most tips per shift. Athletics Avid surfer. Devoted cyclist. Accomplished kayaker and water skier. Interests Read books from multiple genres since age 8. Pursued passion for castle ruins during trip to Hungary, mapping Rate my article: college application.

Average: 4. Written by Tom Gerencer. Tom Gerencer is a career advice writer and a resume expert at ResumeLab. His insights, commentary, and articles reach over a million readers every month. With inside knowledge of key industry players and in-depth research, Tom helps job seekers with advice across all professions and career stages.

Tom holds a degree in English from Colby College. Was it interesting? Here are similar articles. You may also see Resume Templates. You may also see Teacher Resume Templates. Sample College Student Resume Template wellesley. You may also see Administration Resume Templates. College Application Resume Template wahooschools. You may also see Education Resume Templates. College Admission Resume Template ccisd. Here's a selection of our best basic CV templates you can download now.

To learn more visit our Privacy Policy Got it! So why should you listen to me about your high school resume for college? If you can follow simple instructions, you can stand out like Emma Watson or Steph Curry.

You can literally get into any school you want. This college resume guide will show you: A college application resume example better than 9 out of 10 others. How to write a resume for college to get admitted to the best schools. Tips and examples of how to put skills and achievements on college resumes so they shine. Here's a sample college application resume template made with our online resume builder tool. Trying to get into a specific school? How to Write a College Resume In a Nutshell Here's the order of sections for a good college resume: Contact information Personal profile Education history with information on your grades and scores Awards and honors list Additional activities including work experience 1 Choose the Best Format for a College Resume Who cares about format?

Well, you do. Why is that the best college resume format? The reverse-chronological layout does that. I only have a 3. I was captain of my high school swim team. Founded and ran a video comedy group that got , Youtube Views.

Co-wrote, produced, and acted in 20 short video comedy sketches. Athletics Avid cross-country skier. Pursued passion for ancient castles during trip to Ireland, mapping Create my resume now.

Frequent high earner, with most tips per shift. Trained as cook to fill in during busy times. Able to work cash register when needed. WRONG Skills : Strong work ethic, communication, collaboration, fast learner, listening, problem solving, computer skills, programming, public speaking, everything else I could think of Launched over times, following all safety procedures.

Interests Read books from all genres since age 9. I'd welcome the opportunity to discuss how I can enrich the student body at Elon University. Key Takeaway. Rate my article: high school resume for college application.

Average: 4. Thank you for voting. Tom Gerencer. Tom Gerencer is a career expert who has published over in-depth articles on Zety. Since , he has been sharing advice on all things recruitment from writing winning resumes and cover letters to getting a promotion. Don't miss out on exclusive stories that will supercharge your career! Get a weekly dose of inspiration delivered to your inbox. Must be a valid e-mail address. Great to have you on board! Very hard-working student with a passion for math and science.

Co-Founder, Operator Slap the Norker Productions Co-founded and ran comedy video production group of 4 people for 3 years. Passionate about writing comedy Avid cross-country skier Captain of high school swim team Love to read.

Pizza Hut Waiter Completed F.


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